My Review of REVIVE Complete Compression Stockings

This post is to discuss REVIVE Complete Compression Stockings and provide my opinion of them.

Compression stockings are designed to promote circulation. They also help slow the progression of varicose veins. By improving circulation, they help reduce muscle soreness and fatigue from exercise and/or occupational stress on the feet and legs.

Compression stockings are often prescribed after surgical procedures to reduce the risk of blood clot formation. Often, when you are given stockings in the hospital, the toes are open rather than seamed so that health care personnel can monitor your skin color and circulation. These are not comfortable for daily wear when you have to wear shoes and walk around.

The compression stockings by REVIVE are white with gray toes and heels, making them look like regular socks. In addition, they also have the words "Nurse Life" on the soles and little heartbeats across the top of the stockings. It is nice to find a pair that not only does their job, but also looks cute in the process.You can find them here:

It is imperative to correctly apply compression stockings in order for them to work properly. If you do not get them on wrinkle free, the wrinkles can restrict blood flow, thus making your symptoms worse. When applying them, gather the stocking in your hand and work your way down to the toes, gathering the material as you go. Place your toes inside the gathered material and slowly and smoothly slide the stocking up your leg. Make sure no wrinkles occur as you work the stocking up your leg. They should feel snug but not too tight. I made a YouTube video applying one of the stockings that will be at the end of this post - if you're like me then visual aids can make more sense than reading directions.

Compression stockings work best when applied first thing when you get up, preferably before you even get out of bed. Once you stand up, the blood starts pooling in your legs. Already having the stockings on gives you a head start in combating the swelling. Elevating your legs whenever possible also helps reduce swelling.

How to apply compression stockings

Compression stockings provide valuable benefit to those who have lymphedema like myself, other medical conditions, or just muscle fatigue from being on their feet all day. They are relatively inexpensive compared to mos medical equipment. To maintain compression, stockings should be rotated daily. I recommend having a minimum of 2 pairs, but more if you can afford to. They should be hand washed in mild soapy water and hung to dry each day. You should wear another pair the next day while the first pair dries. NEVER put them in the dryer, the heat will destroy the compression integrity. 
