My Review of Premium Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil for Dogs and Cats

Premium Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil for Dogs and Cats is formulated for both dogs and cats. My review focuses on dogs specifically, and how this product works with their body's systems.

Dogs bodies do not make their own Omega 3 Faty Acids, so they must acquire these nutrients through their daily oral intake. Two essential fatty acids are EPA and DHA. EPA acts as an anti-inflammatory. This can help reduce inflammatory conditions that effect the heart, kidneys, joints & skin. DHA is important in brain & eye development in both kittens and puppies. Thus it is also recommended for pregnant or nursing pets. 

Salmon Oil has also been touted for aiding in the following:

  • Lowers blood pressure and triglycerides.
  • Provides support for dogs with kidney disease.
  • Helps to promote weight loss in overweight dogs.
  • Helps in producing more collagen, which aids in wound healing as well as healty skin, hair and nails.
  • Improves cognitive function in older dogs.

Why Choose Premium Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil for Dogs and Cats?

Premium Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil for Dogs and Cats by TerraMax Pro is carefully crafted. TerraMax Pro uses one of the best purification methods currently in existence, Molecular Distillation. It removes heavy metals and other toxins, making it safe for consumption.

It is pharmaceutical human grade and certified free of mercury. It provides Vitamin D, astaxanthin and over 15 omegas. TerraMax Pro 100% guarantees their product to be the purest, most potent fish oil available for your pet.

This product comes in a 16oz bottle, along with either a pump top or a lid that flips open to squirt/squeeze out the amount that you want.

Since it is an oil instead of an additive to dry food, it isn't broken down by heat processing. This makes it more potent and thus effective as a supplement.

Potential Side Effects

There are potential side effects, as there are with any nutritional supplement or medication. Most of these can be managed by adjusting the amount of the oil you give to your pet.

  • Weight gain: this can be managed with a healthy diet and regular exercise
  • Bad breath (it is salmon oil); this can be resolved by regularly cleaning their teeth
  • Stomach ache and/or pain
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Loose stool and/or diarrhea

My Experience With Premium Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil

I have been putting Premium Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil in my 3 German Shepherds' dry food. Not only do they love the taste, but so do my barn cats. They try to sneak in around the dogs to get a bite! 

Sydney is starting to show some hip discomfort due to her age (9), so I make sure that she gets a serving daily with her food. 

This is an easy supplement to provide because the animals actually like the taste! Due to unpleasant experiences giving my animals pills in the past, I greatly prefer the oil format.

I initially tried the pump, but changed to the flip up lid so I can easily squeeze just the right amount on top my dogs food daily. I have been giving this supplement to my dogs for about 2 weeks now and have not noticed any adverse/side effects. I can already tell that their coats have gotten shinier.

Syndey loves the taste of Salmon Oil on her food!

Max's coat is so soft and shiny!


Disclaimer: I received this product for free in exchange for trying it and providing consumer feedback. I was not obligated to provide a review in anyway. All views and opinions expressed are my actual unbiased experience with this product. I am sharing my opinions in order to aid consumers in making purchasing decisions.
