My review of Hot Glue Gun by CLD Brands

I purchased a hot glue gun from CLD brands. It features 40 watt voltage and heats in just 3-5 minutes. The glue gun came with a pack of 18 glue sticks for free in addition to the 2 that were in the hot glue gun packaging.

Glue gun and bonus glue sticks as packaged

The glue easily adheres to a variety of mediums including wood, paper, fabric, magnets, ceramics, floral arrangements, metal, glass and plastic. It dries quickly so you can get on with your day. This glue gun is lightweight and handy for quick repairs and school projects.

Glue gun with project materials
Here is a simple project gluing googly eyes and pom poms onto a wooden star. My 6 year old daughter loves crafting, but I do the gluing for her due to risk of burning fingers.

This is just one example of what you can do with a glue gun. There is a plethera of creative applications in which a glue gun is essential. From scrapbooking to children's crafts, to household repairs - if you can imagine it, a glue gun will likely simplify your project!

You can find this product here:

Disclaimer: I received this product at a discount in exchange for reviewing it. I am providing my honest and unbiased opinion of the product as I used it.
