5 Reasons Why Everyone Needs a Magnifying Glass

Magnifying glasses are convex lenses that is used to produce a magnified image of an object or to focus light. These functions can be used in a variety of applications. I am focusing on 5 uses of magnifying glasses in this article.

1. Skin Checks

I cannot emphasize the importance of skin checks enough. Melanoma is a deadly form of skin cancer, but the earlier it is diagnosed, the greater the survival rate. Anyone with a family history, that works outdoors or is fair skinned has a higher risk for developing skin cancer. Moles should be monitored according to the ABCDE rule: Assymetry - one half of the mole doesn't match the other, Border Irregularity, Color that is not uniform, Diameter - greater than 6mm or a pencil eraser, and Evolving size/shape/color.

2. Starting a Fire

If you are an avid hunter or camper, starting a fire can be a necessary survival skill. A magnifying glass focuses light and can be used to start a fire. If you find yourself in a situation where fire is needed and you have no lighter or matches, a magnifying glass can literally be a lifesaver.

3. Threading a Needle

No matter how well our vision is, it can be difficult to thread a needle. Of course, as we age and vision declines, it becomes even harder to see. A magnifying glass helps us focus on coordinating what we see along with where we need to push the thread through the needle's eye. It can also help with detail work such as embroidery and needlepoint.

4. Examining Jewelry

A magnifying glass can prove invaluable when it comes to jewelry. Often there are stamps or other marks which are extremely difficult to be seen with the naked eye. For example, the 925 stamp on sterling silver jewelry. It can also show inclusions in gemstones which may be difficult to see otherwise. This can save you from purchasing an item that isn't worth the asking price!

5. Enlarge Writing

When trying to read small print such as in books, instruction manuals, legal documents, on prescription bottles, and nutrition labels, it can cause eye strain and even trigger headaches. A magnifying glass enlarges the print, thus eliminating these issues.

When shopping for a magnifying glass, consider what you need it for to determine what style to purchase. If you examine jewelry frequently, you may want he style which will clip to a desk. However, for most applications, a smaller glass with a handle is usually appropriate. Some models come with lighting around the diameter of the glass, further assisting in viewing the item you're looking at.

I have found a nice model with LED lighting powered by a AAA battery. It also comes with an additional magnifier shaped like a credit card that you can easily take with you wherever you go (it is not lighted). You can check out its features and if you like it purchase it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01GVY5N32

