Who Invented the Kiss? - Children's Book Review

Who Invented the Kiss? by Aline E.V is a children's story that appeals to all ages.


This story starts out with a little boy eating dinner with his family. He innocently asks the question "Who invented the kiss?". Each family member takes turns answering the questions, each with very different and silly responses.

I read this story to my 6 year daughter Willow. She giggled as we went through the book. Once we finished, she decided to read it to me! This is the first book that she has read outside of her school books which contain only sight words she has already learned. I was so excited that she enjoyed the tale enough to take the time to sound out the words she did not know.

I highly recommend this story for new readers as well as anyone who likes a cute tale. It would be great to read to a class or use as a tool for young readers.

You can get it here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071N9XF56
