Running Belt Waist Pack

There's nothing worse than getting dressed to go hiking, running or gardening.... Only to realize you have no pockets for your cell phone, keys, ID, chewing gum or whatever else you may wish to have on you. This is when a waist pack becomes invaluable.

RundA makes the running belt waist pack pictured here. It features a center zip pocket with inner dividers made of a soft fabric that won't scratch your cell phone. Beside it, there is a smaller pouch with a Velcro closure. On the other side, there is an open pouch. 

Pictured above is the center pocket featuring the soft divider sections.

Here is a picture of the running belt holding my cell phone and my inhaler. There's still plenty of room to add money, pen and paper, chapstick, car keys, etc. 

The zipper and Velcro pouches provide a sense of security. It's nice to focus on what you're doing and not spend time worrying that you may drop your keys or phone. 

 The waist pack is made with a nice wide elastic which stretches comfortably and isn't binding. I can move freely, including bending over!

There are countless situations in which the running belt AKA "fanny pack" would be useful. Several examples that immediately come to mind are at amusement parks, hiking in the woods, traveling in situations where space is at a premium, and for farmers like me - when doing repairs.

I frequently carry around fence staples along with a crowbar, hammer and wire. It is nice to have something to put the staples in so I'm not dropping them where my horses walk, sticking myself in the thigh or fingers trying to get them out of my pockets, etc.

You can get one for yourself at this link:

Disclaimer: I purchased this item at a discount in exchange for providing a review. The opinions stated herein are my own and are unbiased.
