Through the Rug 10th Anniversary Children's Book

Through the Rug by Jill Ammon Vanderwood is celebrating it's 10th Anniversary.  It is a children's book full of magic, wishes, a kooky grandma and her granddaughter's adventures chasing her pink and green dog Domino through the rug.

Through the Rug tells the tale of Alyssa and her grandmother. Grandma has taken up a cooking class which apparently delves into a bit of magic. When trying to concoct a spell to make more days in the week, she humbles the recipe and it goes awry.

The dogcatcher shows up looking for a dog reported to be running around the neighborhood. The dog in question is pink and green. It turns out the dig is Grandma's dog Domino.

During all the antics that ensue, Grandma's spell spills on her rug. Domino falls through the rug and is followed by Grandma and Alyssa.

They find themselves in a world called Wishville, where they simply wish for anything they desire and it is granted.

Along their adventures, there are mishaps. Domino and Alyssa keep helping Grandma out of tight spots. They finally return through the rug safe and sound.... for now.

This is an enchanting tale that is great to read to younger children and also for older children to read independently.  The characters are endearing and well written. My 6 year old Willow loves the tale.

You can find it here:
